Follicular unit extraction hair transplant is a proven, minimally invasive outpatient procedure in which follicular unit grafts, consisting of a small number of hair follicles, are individually removed from the genetically stronger area of your scalp (the donor areas) and thinning areas (the recipient areas). Our experienced DOCTOR’S use the natural graft placement process to recreate your hair line and growth pattern for a permanent, natural-looking result. And because there are no linear scars and no stitches. Your donor area will heal in just a few days.
Follicular unit transplantation is a hair restoration technique, also known as the strip procedure, where a patient’s hair is transplanted in naturally occurring groups of 1 to 4 hairs, called follicular units. Follicular units also contain sebaceous(oil) glands, nerves, a small muscle, and occasional fine hairs. In follicular unit transplantation, these small units allow the surgeon to safely transplant thousands of grafts in a single session, which maximizes the cosmetic impact of the procedure FUT is considered an advance over older hair transplantation procedure that used larger grafts and often produced a pluggy, natural look. In a properly-performed follicular unit transplant, the results will mimic the way hair grow in nature and will be undetectable as a hair transplant.
In Bio- FUE hair transplant, grafts(hair roots) are stored in bio stimulation growth factors (PRP)…. In Bio-FUE regenerative cells are infused into the FUE donor site for rapid healing and growth of remaining hair. The cells also improve the quality and density of existing non transplanted hair.
The Direct follicular hair implantation latest technique. It provides you healthy and natural looking hair. This technique does not involve the use of scalpels and the best part of this technique is that it is pain free. after the completion of this procedure the new hair continues to grow naturally throughout the life. The main objective of this procedure is to elevate the survival and growth of the hair follicles by reducing their handling and the time for which they stay out of the skin, advanced technology with specialized skills assuring 99% results.
The Direct follicular hair implantation is the latest technique in hair transplant procedure. In this procedure we are using the(ROBOTIC TECHNOLOGY USING THE MATRIX OF BLOOD COMPONENTS ASSURING 100% RESULTS).it provides you healthy and natural looking hair. In Direct follicular hair implantation technique the hair follicles are implanted one by one directly to the recipient area which needs to be covered. Each hair follicle is placed in a particular direction, depth and angle that help to get 100% natural results with full density.